The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will once again hit the rails this year, bringing Christmas cheer to more than 150.

The CPR said in a statement that since the program’s inception back in 1999, more than $6.4 million and over 2.6 million pounds of food have been collected in Canada and the United States.
The Holiday Train collect food and money for local food banks and helps focus public awareness on the problem of hunger in our. At each event, the Holiday Train provides a box-car stage, a line up of great musical talents and a corporate contribution to the local food bank. The community, in turn, is encouraged to donate food and funds, all of which stays in the community. Items such as infant formula, canned meats, and spaghetti sauce are in popular demand.
The Canadian Holiday Train will embark on its three-week journey on November 28 from Beaconsfield, Quebec, finishing up in Port Moody, BC, on December 17.
Entertainers on the Canadian train this year include Doc Walker, Miss Emily, and the Brothers Dube.
The train will roll into Revelstoke from Golden on Friday, December 14, at about 5:45 pm and the show is scheduled to begin in the CP Yard off Victoria Road at about 6 pm.
The Current will, in early December, publish a list of the food items most needed by the Community Connections Food Bank at this time of year.