This year’s Summer Reading Club program was one of the most successful in recent years with 139 kids enrolled in it, the library’s Lucie Bergeron said Wednesday.
But, like all good things, it came to an end for this year on Wednesday. Here are a few photos from the year-end party:
Lucie Bergeron (left) of the Revelstoke branch of the Okanagan Regional Library and her manager, Monica Gaucher, presented Sara Supinen, age 9, with the Strange but True painting she won in Tuesday’s draw. Simon Blackie photoThe Credit Union’s Anna Podstawka and Carmen Cozens presented an IPod Touch to this year’s grand prize winner, Domenic Meloro. Simon Blackie photoRoyal Bank Manager Lynne Welock (left) and Vanessa Ward (right) pose with some of the kids they presented medals to at the Summer Reading Club’s wrap up ceremony on Thursday. The bank has, for many years, provided medals to all of the kids who participate in library’s program for young readers. Lucie Bergeron said there were 139 children enrolled in the club this summer. The Royal Bank of Canada Foundation provided $35,000 to the BC Library Association to suppoort Summer Reading Clubs across the province. David F. Rooney photo