Autumn’s here and that means it’s time for those fantastic pie sales!
The St. Francis Apple Pie Sale is set for October 2-3 from 10 am until 4 pm at the St Francis Parish Hall at 510 Mackenzie Avenue.
Pre-ordering these pies is strongly recommended. Call 250-837-4139 to place your order

Council has approved a recommendation from the City’s Security and Infrastructure Committee that called for the removal of the rumble strips on Nichol Road.
The committee thought that speed tables and chicanes would be more effective methods of “calming traffic” on Nichol and on Ninth Street, too.
According to Wikipaedia, chicanes are a type of horizontal deflection used in traffic calming schemes to reduce the speed of traffic. Drivers are expected to reduce speed to negotiate the lateral displacement in the vehicle path. There are several variations of traffic calming chicanes, but they generally fall into one of two broad categories:
▪ Single-lane working chicanes, which consist of staggered buildouts, narrowing the road so that traffic in one direction has to give way to opposing traffic
▪ Two-way working chicanes, which use buildouts to provide deflection, but with lanes separated by road markings or a central island.
Limited accident data for chicane schemes indicate a reduction in injury accidents (54%) and accident severity.
Speed tables are similar to speed bumps but are broader.
Linda Nixon thought that was a good idea, but said she had received many complaints from people living on Vernon and Park Avenues about vehicle speeds.
In the end, Council decided to address vehicle speeds on all four thoroughfares.
The City issued 5 new business licences in August, raising the total number of business licences in town to 910.
The new business licence holders are: Carrie’s Home Café; Kernaghen Adjuster Ltd.; Timberline Solutions Ltd.; Mounce Construction Ltd.; and Revelstoke Home Inspecttions.
The City issued 14 building permits in August, nine for residences, two for institutions and one for a business.
They had a total value of $595,000, raising the year-to-date value of building permits in Revelstoke to $8.4 million.
Revelstoke Bear Aware continues to oppose backyard chicken coops but now says that if they are going to be permitted the City should regulate them carefully.
“We also believe that to keep backyard hens successfully in Revelstoke, a strong prescriptive bylaw is needed,” Bear Aware Cooridnator Sue Davies said in a letter to Council. “Such a bylaw would need to be detailed and include descriptions of coop design, electric fencing requirements, requirements for coop cleanliness, storage and management of hen feed, and slaughter of backyard hens. It would also have to include penalties for non-compliance.
“We feel that a registry for backyard hens would be essential and would facilitate both education about correct processes, and inspection for adherence to the bylaw. Potentially, fees generated by the registry could be used in this process.I f a decision is taken to allow the keeping of backyard hens, then the City of Revelstoke needs to build these resources and bylaws and have them in place before allowing backyard hens. Revelstoke Bear Aware is interested in helping to ensure correct decisions are made regarding any new bylaws.”
The City of Revelstoke (COR) is seeking a consultant to conduct a water-metering feasibility study to:
- estimate potential water savings to be gained through implementation of a water metering program;
- taking into account estimated potential water savings, assess the financial, environmental, social, and operational costs and benefits of water metering; and
- based on that assessment, review options and make recommendations for the most appropriate type of metering program, equipment selection, implementation timing, data collection and billing system, and rate structure including budgetary cost estimates.
Councillor Tony Scarcella feared that the study, which would likely cost about $30,000 might be the thin edge of the wedge and would eventually lead to installation of the meters in every home and business in town at a cost of $5 million.
“Who’s going t5o pay for it?” he asked. “Taxpayers.
Councillor Steve Bender said Scarcella had an excellent point but noted that “we may be getting ahead of ourselves.”
“We know water meters work,” he said.
They have proven to be the most effective way to curb high water consumption rates and Councillor Phil Welock said that if Revelstoke’s residential population expands to the point that expanding the Greeley Creek water plant may be required, a water meter program would be more cost-effective than putting in a fifth cell.
In any event that wasn’t the issue on the table, said Mayor David Raven.
“It’s not about approving water meters,” he said. “It’s about being able to make an informed decision (about the future possibility installing water meters).
Council approved the plan to hire a consultant to conduct the study.