Dam Visitors’ Centre staff have a real generosity streak
The Revelstoke & District Humane Society made out like bandits on Wednesday as Sharon Honeyman, Carol Daniluck, Cathy Meacock, Stephanie Moel, Ornella Humphreys and Vc Manager Kyle Horwood (not shown) raised $4,580 at the Revelstoke Dam Visitors’ Centre where they work. They raised this astonishing amount of money through donations from visitors, recycling bottles and cans and by serving coffee by donation at the Visitors’ Centre. They even brought cash, which the RDHS’s Jennifer Barrett (centre left) accepted from Sharon Honeyman as Lisa Feuz and Llewanda Halldorsen (right) looked on. The RDHS usually scrapes by on a shoestring budget so this kind of generosity is very welcome and deeply appreciated. David F. Rooney photo