On leash? Off leash? What? Where?

Unsure if you have to keep your dog on a leash along the paved cycling/walking path all the way from Centennial Park to the Fourth Street Bridge?
Councillors voted at Tuesday afternoon’s meeting to give second and third reading to an amendment to Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw No. 1758. The amendment clarifies where people may let their dogs run leash-free and where they have to keep on a leash.
“Is it clear that the off-leash area does not include the black-top trail?” Councillor Chris Johnston asked Planner John Guenther.
“Downie Marsh is on-leash; the rest is pretty much the same,” he replied.
The Marsh should not be used by dogs at all whether they are on- or off-leash as it is a nesting area for migratory waterfowl in the spring and is a resting place for many species during the fall migrations. Some birds actually use it all year — even during the winter.
The new map (click here to read the bylaw amendment and see the City’s maps) shows the areas where dogs can run free and those where they can’t.
Web designer offers a contest for non-profits only
Tenille Barber, proprietor of computer-wiz.ca is offering a contest for non-profit groups that need a website.
“I am doing a contest right now for non profits to increase their exposure by entering to get a website updated or made (if they have the right stuff together).”
Barber enjoys working with non-profit organizations and the rules of her little contest are simple:
Requirements for entry:
- non-profit of course;
- must be in Revelstoke, BC;
- have a previously set up website that direly needs my attention;
- OR- all material collected and presently assembled for my attention (to be considered in this option you must submit your material to me for perusal, and be able to maintain server costs-estimate=$120 for two years of hosting and domain purchase);
- an e-mail with details describing the non-profit and how you think you help Revelstoke! (make it good! it will be helping me decide which of the worthy causes to support!); and
- one dedicated person to work with me – a “project manager”, hopefully with computer skills!
Click here to learn more about Tenille’s contest and her company.
MLA here to meet constituents
MLA Norm Macdonald will be in Revelstoke on Wednesday, September 5, to meet with constituents and invite supporters to join him supper at the end of the day.
Macdonald’s constituency assistant, Joy Orr, said Tuesday that Macdonald will meet constituents in the morning and part of the afternoon. He is also being interviewed for the In Conversation program on RCTV.
“Individual constituents as well as representatives of community groups are encouraged to take this opportunity to share their thoughts with their provincial representative,” she said in a statement.
“As the Deputy Chair of the Special Committee on Timber Supply, Norm Macdonald has spent much of his time since May 17 travelling and deliberating with the Timber Supply committee. The travel schedule included holding consultations in 16 interior communities. A final report with recommendations was delivered by the committee on August 15.”
While here, the New Democratic MLA will also be touring the Downie Mill and the new Begbie View Elementary School.
Later that day he will, as he often does, have supper at a local restaurant (the venue has not yet been decided) with those supporters who wish to join him.
To book a meeting, call 1-866-870-4188 or send an e-mail to norm.macdonald.mla@leg.bc.ca.
No new Courthouse roof this year
The City has to postpone repairs to the courthouse roof until next year — even though another wet and snowy winter may result in more damage.
It turns out that so-called “post-tender clarifications” to both of the two competing bids for the $300,000 project have forced the City to re-tender the project in 2013.
“Post-tender clarifications” are substantial revisions to a bid that were made after it was submitted.
Earlier this year Darren Komonoski, operations manager for Engineering and Public Works, told Council that without repairs to its leaky roof, the historic building likely would suffer significant damage.
Chief Administrative Officer Tim Palmer told Council he had personally toured the roof and seen its leaky sections. Tarps and other prophylactic measures should be prevent any further leakage — nor.
“We don’t have much choice,” he said.
“Wood-burning appliances” may be controlled
A bylaw originally proposed in 2008 and then abandoned last February has been resurrected at the Council table where it received first and second reading on Tuesday.
Councillor Linda Nixon said Wood-burning Smoke Control Bylaw No. 2017 is supported by the City’s Environment Committee and the revised version now removed reference to existing solid-fuel-fired appliances, redefines solid fuels to be consistent with the BC Building Code as well as the definition of wood-burning appliance “to be consistent with the use of the term ‘factory-built fireplaces’ in the BC Building Code.”
It also prohibits the indoor use of outdoor solid-fuel stoves and boilers. Only appliances that are certified to Canadian and American standards may be used and all installations are subject to the building permit process.