Revelstoke Airport perimeter fencing being considered b y CSRD
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District Board has approved a security policy to minimize risks to the CSRD regarding the public having access to the Columbia River Flats adjacent to the runway at the Revel-stoke Airport.
In its regular Board in Brief online publication the CSRD said it will post signs along the south and west sides of the runway that will alert persons who access the Flats of the active runway.
The CSRD will also post information on the Canada Flight Supplement to advise pilots of the public accessing the Flats and unfenced runway. The Revelstoke Airport Management Committee will consider fencing the perimeter of the airport.
Land redesignation receives second reading
The Board gave first and second reading to an Electoral Area ‘B’ Official Community Plan Amendment (Shelter Bay Land Ltd.) Bylaw that would re-designate 2,108 hectares of land in the Shelter Bay area from Rural Resource to a new designation, Cluster Residential Development.
The property owner, Shelter Bay Lands Ltd., is proposing a mixed use development of 767 residential units as well as a number of commercial uses, including a marina, lodge, restaurant, spa, fitness facility and other amenities.
This OCP amendment will be referred to other agencies and a public hearing will be held after comments are received back.
New Area ‘B’ Zoning Bylaw closer to fruition

The CSRD’s Electoral Area ‘B’ is getting closer to having a new zoning bylaw. Interested residents attended open houses in Trout Lake and Revelstoke last week Planner Jan Thingsted discussed the changes that are planned for the future.
Area B’s proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 851 is intended to replace zoning regulations that had not been substantively altered since 1988.
The proposed changes, which you can find at, are expected to go before the board later this year and will likely be approved in 2013.
Can mandatory boat inspections halt the dreaded Quagga and Zebra mussels?
The CSRD Board in planning a late resolution to the Union of BC Municipalities AGM requesting the UBCM lobby provincial and federal governments to protect BC waters against the invasive Quagga and Zebra mussels.
Electoral Area ‘E’ Director Rhona Martin put forward the resolution which recommends mandatory inspection of boats that come to BC from Quagga or Zebra mussel-infested waters.
The UBCM’s annual convention is to be held at the Victoria Conferecne Centre September 24-28.