A grandpa cycles 700 km to see his grandson — now that’s dedication!
By David F. Rooney
As a community newspaper, The Current prints all kinds of little stories and photos. A few are dramatic, but most aren’t. But that doesn’t mean they meaningless. Far from it!
If anything, these little vignettes of life in our little mountain city speak volumes about who we are and what’s important to as individuals, families and as a community.
In keeping with that, Giles Shearing sent me the following e-mail and photos:
“Sure, lots of parents will travel to Revelstoke this summer to visit their grown children who have come to Revelstoke to play,” he wrote. “Most will drive, but not my father. On Monday we welcomed Dad / Grandpa / Norm Shearing to Revelstoke after he took 4.5 days to cycle here from Vancouver… on his bicycle… to visit his mountain family.
“Attached are some photos of his arrival. The total trip was over 700 km… the long way through Manning Park, Summerland, Kelowna and Vernon. And with no big panniers, just one change of cloths and a credit card for motel stays.”
Thanks, Giles! Now, here are the photos:
Norm Shearing of Vancouver poses on his bike in front of the gateway to the city by the Trans-Canada Highway. Shearing came here from Vancouver to see his grandson Oliver — oh! And Oliver’s dad Giles Shearing and his wife Marnie Digiadomenico. Okay, a grandparent’s travels here to see a grandchild isn’t that unusual but Norm didn’t fly and he didn’t come in a car or bus. He cycled 700 kilometres via Manning Provincial Park, Princeton, Summerland, Kelowna and Vernon with no big panniers — just one change of cloths and a credit card for motel stays. Talk about dedication! Photo courtesy of Giles ShearingTwo of the three Shearing boys pose in front of the gateway bears. Photo courtesy of Giles ShearingGrandpa cycles under the CPR overpass on his way down and an encounter with his grandson, who was born in April 2011. Photo courtesy of Giles ShearingMount Mackenzie looms in the distance as Norm Shearing pedals along Victria Road. Photo courtesy of Giles ShearingNorm Shearing smiles for the camera as he passes by Begbie Glass. Photo courtesy of Giles ShearingFinally, the Vancouver-based real estate development consultant arrives at the goal of all his cycling — young grandson Oliver. Photo courtesy of Giles ShearingThree generations of Shearing men pose for the camera. Giles and his young son, Oliver, live here, of course, Grandpa Norm took the scenic route to get here — all 700 km of it. We hope they have a wonderful reunion. Photo courtesy of Giles Shearing