If you’re growing fruits and vegetables or are raising chickens, rabbits or other animals you may wish to attend an upcoming special — and free — electric fencing workshop offered by Revelstoke Bear Aware on August 8.
A statement from Bear Aware Coordinator Sue Davies said the workshop will outline the value of electric fencing, which have been “a successful tool to protect livestock, chickens, bees, fruit trees, gardens, buildings, and campsites from bears.
Gillian Sanders, from the North Kootenay Lake Bear Smart Program, will be the guest speaker for this event. She has a great deal of experience with the fences and uses them to protect her bee hives. Gillian will discuss different types and models of fences depending upon the participants’ needs of participants.
The workshop, offered in association with the British Columbia Conservation Foundation and funded by the Columbia Basin Trust, will be held at 6.30pm on August 8, at 2022 Highland Rd, in Arrow Heights. The workshop will last for approximately 2 hours and refreshments will be served.
To register for the workshop please contact Revelstoke Bear Aware at 250-837-8624. Alternatively, please click here to send Sue an e-mail.
For more information on how to manage bear attractants, visit the provincial Bear Aware website www.bearaware.bc.ca or visit www.revelstokebearaware.org. To report bear sightings or problem bears please call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.