Our government’s top priority is creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity. During this last parliamentary session in particular, we delivered on our Government’s commitment to Canadians to strengthen our economy and support Canadian families and jobs.
Throughout the summer, I have been travelling and speaking with constituents throughout Kootenay Columbia and I have had the opportunity to highlight some of these initiatives.
We introduced and passed the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act which implements many important measures from Economic Action Plan 2012. We have implemented key commitments we made to Canadians by passing bills that will safeguard Canada’s economy by updating the laws which support Canada’s banking system and make it the soundest in the world. We strengthened Canada’s retirement system by offering pooled registered pension plans. And, we promised Canadians we would pass the Safe Streets and Communities Act during the first 100 days sitting days of Parliament and we delivered on that promise.
On a personal note, I am particularly proud of the introduction of my Private Member’s bill C-299 – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Kidnapping of a young person). The bill has now gone through second reading and committee and will return to the House of Commons in the fall for a vote at third reading.
Canadians can continue to count on our government to move forward on our commitments, make decisions and get things done.
I look forward to continue meeting many of you this summer in the magnificent constituency of Kootenay Columbia.