Members of the Board of Directors for the Moberly Park Manor Foundation gathered at the Revelstoke Seniors Center on June 21 to present a cheque for the Volunteer Medical Transportation Program. Ruth Boettger, President of the Revelstoke Senior Citizens’ Association gratefully accepted a cheque for $1,000 from Sam Olynyk, Irene Murphy , Alan Kepler and Val Barry.
The Volunteer Medical Transportation Program. which provides transportation to out of town medical appointments for individuals in our community, has shown a dramatic increase in usage in the last 4 months and the funds donated help to pay fuel expenses for the medical drives that caring volunteers provide. The program has been well received in the community and had grown steadily over the last 2 years; the sudden increase was a bit of a surprise, but the volunteer drivers really come through for the program, enabling individuals in the community to meet their medical needs.
The Revelstoke Senior Citizens’ Association and the program coordinator wish to thank the Moberly Park Manor Foundation for their generous donation to this valuable community program. We also want to thank the volunteer drivers who make it all possible. For more information about the program, please call (250) 837-9456, Tuesday thru Friday between 9 and noon.