Parks Canada would like to remind dog-owning Revelstokians that dogs must be kept on a leash at all times when in the national parks. The regulation was put in place for the safety of visitors, pets and wildlife. Dogs on leash can’t chase wildlife or bother other visitors. And, dogs on leash can’t put themselves and their owners at risk by chasing bears or cougars.
The 5-K loop in Mount Revelstoke National Park is a beautiful place to walk your dog and see wildlife but remember it is home to many critters and their survival depends on having a safe place to live. By keeping your dog on a leash you help protect the natural wonders of Mount Revelstoke including its wildlife.
Parks Canada would like to thank dog visitors like Ellie for wearing a leash and allowing their families to pick up after them. Rather than restricting dogs in Mount Revelstoke, we ask that visitors help to ensure a great experience for everybody by leashing your dogs and cleaning up after them.