What’s a little rain? For Revelstokians Jackie and Darrell Goodman, who raised an amazing $7,367, the wind and rain they encountered was a minor obstacle as they cycled from Surrey to Seattle for the annual Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer.
They were just two of the over 3,000 participants who took part in this year’s event. There were the physically fit, the physically and mentally challenged, seniors and children… people from every culture. This event raised $11.2 million dollars for cancer research. Team Finn, the team Jackie and Darrell rode for, raised $367,713.66.
Bob Eley and Joan Eley, good friends of Darrell and Jackie, sent the following description to The Current by e-mail:
“Darrell and Jackie finished the first day frozen, soaked and sore, but an evening in the hot tub and a good night’s rest helped prepare them for another day of riding. They hung their wet gear all over their hotel room overnight, hoping that it would dry out by morning with only some success. The next morning they were up again at 0500, dressing in their still somewhat damp clothes, ready to go at it once more.
“The second day had a bit better weather, but the course was a bit more demanding, compounded by the sore muscles from the ride the day before. The extreme challenge of the day was a long 15 km hill that seemed to never end. This was not a race, so each participant travelled at their own speed, depending on their personal abilities. Some riders took more breaks than others, some had to walk up some of the hills, everyone started at a different time, so, at the last pit stop, the faster riders waited for the slower riders to arrive. At this stop, many teams arranged to have group photos taken. This gave the teams a chance to mass as a team and travel to the finish line in team fashion rather than one member at a time.
“Thousands of cheering people awaited the riders as they rode over the finish line at Redmond, Washington. The names of the finishers were announced over the PA as they arrived, often followed by a personal item from the person’s bio.
“Both Jackie and Darrell have already signed up to do the ride again next year and hope that they can persuade other riders in Revelstoke to sign up as well.”
That’s well said. Here are some photos from the event: