Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services Firefighters spent the weekend of April 21 training in Auto Extrication.
“We had 15 of firefighters working with the Jaws of Life all weekend during an Auto Extrication Level 1 Course,” said Fire Chief Rob Girard.
The firefighters spent the weekend learning new rescue techniques for rescuing the motorized public from motor vehicle accidents.
“You can never get enough training in vehicle extrication,” Girard, said “especially with the ever-changing vehicle designs such as air bags, restraint systems and hybrids.”
The “jaws of life” training took place at the Revelstoke Fire Training Centre in the Industrial Park located next to the metal recyclers.
“We arranged 5 vehicles, less their liquids for the training,” Girard said. “And I am very grateful to Jamie McCabe and Aaron Winger of Mountain Cat Excavating for those arrangements.
The chief indicated that he is planning an Auto Extrication Level 2 Course that will focus on buses and transport trucks in 2013.
Here are a few more photos from the event: