Community Connections ready as it can be in the face of new challenges
Community Connections held its 10th annual general meeting, marking a decade of remarkable growth and service to the general Revelstoke Community. Forged through the amalgamation of Family and Youth Resources and the Revelstoke Association for Community Living, Community Connections' staff "have learned that people can and will change; and they usually end up liking it and thriving in it," said Interim Executive Director Cathy Girling, who has — for now — replaced Gayle Morgan who has been ill for several months. Girling said "in the last 10 years we have come to know that people are the strength and resource of Community Connections and will continue to be out strength for the many changes that will occur in the coming years. And those could be daunting. "... it appears the funding constraints we anticipated are beginning to be implemented by government," Chairman Norm Tennnant told the AGM. "You only have to read a newspaper or watch the news to see how deep funding cuts may be. While we have received some reductions to our budget and more may be coming our way, we will do our best to mitigate their effect on program delivery." David F. Rooney photo