More than 65 people attended a public meeting at the Hillcrest Hotel on Wednesday evening to hear Vernon-based electromechanical engineer Werner Hoffelinck, one of the region's leading anti-smart meter activists, talk about the alleged dangers of the devices BC Hydro is attempting to install in every home and business in the province. Hoffelinck says BC Hydro is ignoring the interaction between the radio frequencies emitted by its meters and the body's own electro-magnetic processes. Another speaker, Barbara Makota said she suffered radiation burns to her face from frequent cell phone use in the 1990s and said BC Hydro's smart meters emit electro-magnetic radiation in the form of radio wave sin the same frequency spectrum 300-900 MHz used by smart meters. The meeting was video-recorded by Brent Viedeman and it will be posted on YouTube in the near future. David F. Rooney photo