Colour, form and texture can help you find a Sense of Place
By David F. Rooney
The Visual Arts Centre’s first regular show of the exhibition season will help you locate a Sense of Place — and not necessarily here, either — through colour, form and texture in more than 40 works of art by local artists.
The show opened Friday and some of the works are absolutely spectacular. There’s a fair amount of humour, too, and a few very quirky pieces that patrons of the arts are bound to enjoy.
This show, is open to the public until May 4 and the Visual Arts Centre’s Main Gallery is open Tuesdays through Saturday from 12 until 4 pm. Don’t miss it. And now just to further whet your appetite for local art here are some images from the opening that I hope you will enjoy:
The Revelstoke Visual Art Centre's first show of the season, A Sense of Place, opened Friday. Among the more than 40 pieces of exhibition were this painting by Julie Kozek and some very fun plates by Toni Johnston. David F. RooneyMountain Blues by Peter Blackmore. David F. Rooney photoSixth Street by Krista Stovel. David F. Rooney photoAbbott Dreams by Zuzana Driediger. David F. Rooney photoBest of Intentions Lead to Disruption by Jewelles Smith. David F. Rooney photoCarmen Segger and Peter Blackmore (left) chat with Krista Stovel at the opening. David F. Rooney photoPerspective by Sue Davies. David F. Rooney photoThere's a real story behind this... said artist Toni Johnston of her painting of a beachfront home. David F. Rooney photoLinda Nixon and Irene Murphy were delighted by this small sculpture by Pat Anderson. David F. Rooney photoHerd Head Honcho by Diane Winingder