You ate a 40-ounce burger in how many minutes?

By David F. Rooney

Last Monday night at the Drop: scores of people scoffing free burger quarters and washing them down with beer and ale. You could vibrate with the buzz as people talked about their favourite contestants in the Mountain Man Burger Eating Contest.

Oh yeah. Go for it. Eat a 40-ounce burger plus fries and gravy in under an hour. Ten people picked up the gauntlet confident that they would prevail. The contest, held to help promote the Last Drop’s new menu, might not  sound like a challenge to some but even the most eager-to-succeed contestants slowed down by the time they finished:

Check it out:

Justin Butler gazes regretfully at this Mountain Man Burger that was destined for the stomach of a competitor in last Monday's Mountain Man Burger challenge at the Last Drop. Competitors vied to devour their 40-ounce burger PLUS about 20 ounces of fries and gravies in the least amount of time. Keri Knapp photo
Mark loosens up his buddy Frank Romeo with a quick massage moments before the start of the contest. David F. Rooney photo
Here they come! Justin carries the first of the burgers to the two tables of contestants. David F. Rooney photo
Competitor "Kevin" bites into half of his burger during the contest. Keri Knapp photo
Jemma, one of the Australian competitors, managed to perform like a lady as Powder Springs Chef Victoria Leeson and Brydon Roe look on. David F. Rooney photo
Competitors tuck in. Current Publisher David Rooney briefly (VERY briefly) considered competing but decided that despite his love of burgers he could do without another heart attack. Keri Knapp photo
They've barely started and already look full. Frank (left) commiserates with Rocky from Melbourn. David F. Rooney photo


Something stuck in your teeth, Jacob? David F. Rooney photo
Gui Gui — the Taco-Eating Champion of Fernie — racks up another title, finishing his Mountain Man Burger in 23 minutes. Keri Knapp photo
Pazarotti-Eating Champion Jacob Astor, who had high hopes of defeating Gui Gui, settled for second place. Keri Knapp photo