Survey measures local child care needs

A new survey by the Revelstoke Child Care Society is seeking to measure the community’s child care needs.

The survey, which you can find online at,asks respondents whether they currently have child care, what kinds of child care they currently use and how often, the times that are best for them and the ages of their children.

It also asks them when they might expect to begin using child care, why they need it, whether child care availability has been a barrier to to their return to work or school and if they are willing to pay for child care.

The Child Care Society’s Linda Chell said the survey results will help it plan for future needs.

A paper version of the survey is available from the society at Room 106, 1401 First Street West. It can be mailed back to Box 2059, Revelstoke, BC, V0E2S0 before March 16.