In Pictures: Spirit Fest 2012 — Days 07-09

By David F. Rooney

The last few days of the 2012 Spirit Festival ended Sunday with a flurry of awards at the Friends of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier’ Mountain Roots Festival, including two to local amateur filmmakers.

Ewan Urquhart won the award for Best Youth Film for his short movie called GASP, which was based on last year’s GASP program offered to RSS students by Parks Canada.

And Michelle Cole of the Revelstoke Railway Museum won the prize for Best Short Film with her one-minute take called Railway Humour. Local residents Heather Lea and Conor Hurley received Special Mentions from the jury for their films, Long Stories About Short Love and A World to Conserve, consecutively.

The Grand Prize and the People’s Choice Awards were won by Faroe Des Roches and Ryan Vandecastyen’s The Pipedreams Project, which explored the opposition by some northern BC resident to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal which would a pipeline from Alberta to Kitimat where the oil would be pumped into Asia-bound tankers.

The Best Professional Film Award went to Alex Lavigne for Sonnie Trotter — Crescendo. The Best Short Mountain Culture Film Award went to JoAnne Alaric for The Uphill Baker. And Best Novice Film wen to Adrien Kiernan for Welcome to Revelstoke.

Meanwhile, The two-day Top Bloke Contest ended Friday night with Ryan Hill defeating a field of contests to become Revelstoke’s Top Bloke.

You can view images of these folks and more below:

Michelle Flynn and Clare Mount scream in excitement as the Top Bloke contestants take the stage at the Last Drop. Kristen Ward, Jennifer Daniells and Cara Armstrong cheer along during the Top Bloke Finals on Friday night. Keri Knapp photo.
Lizette Valdmanis and Dennis Sevrino Help Top Bloke contestant Ryan Hill with his talent performance. Ryan played popular Top Gun hits on his trumpet and hand flute. Keri Knapp photo
The crowd was in stitches during Ryan's talent performance. Keri Knapp photo
Dave Lundine turns up the heat in his assless chaps. Dave's magical act was to saw Cara Armstrong from the audience in half. (EMCee Jean Marc LaFlamme provided the sound effects for Dave's performance). Keri Knapp photo
Ryan Hill looked humble shortly after he was announced as The Revelstoke 2012 Top Bloke Keri Knapp photo
From top Left to Right MC Jean Marc Laflamme, Jacob Hansen, Ryan Hill, Dave Lundine, Emma Kirkland, Steve Billyard and Marc Campbell. Keri Knapp photo
A crew of volunteers begin the hard work of preparing the snow and jumps for the big event on Saturday — the Rail Jam . David F. Rooney photo


Artist Cody Thompson works on a painting at the Monsters of Art tent beside the Rail Jam. David F. Rooney photo
A number of excited young girls performed an impromptu dance for the crowd waiting for the Rail Jam. David F. Rooney photo
A youth flies along the box during a practice session prior to the Rail Jam. David F. Rooney photo
A seemingly endless line of jammers take the stairs up to the launch station. David F. Rooney photo
Another skier zooms down the jump. David F. Rooney photo
These hand-painted boards looked pretty cool at the Monsters of Art tent. David F. Rooney photo


Professional artist Tina Lindegaard shows off one of the children's banners made this year. This one was by Holly Hamilton. Nice mermaid, Holly! David F. Rooney photo
Karyn Molder's take on the Aaquaducks' mascot was bang on. David F. Rooney photo
Crystal Davis works on a banner of her and her daughter Ainsley going fishing. David F. Rooney photo
Stacey Papp was just getting going on her banner for Balu Yoga. David F. Rooney photo
Neills Kristensen, executive director of the Friends of Mountain Revelstoke (left), introduces RSS student Ewaw Urquhart who won the award for Best Youth Film, GASP, at the Mountain Roots Film Festival at the Rxy on Friday evening. David F. Rooney photo
An excited Michelle Cole shows off the plaque she received after winning the Best Short Film, award for her flick, Railway Humour, which was produced for the Railway Museum. David F. Rooney photo


Taylor Vegh was literally a Woman on a Ledge as she put up the listing for the next attraction at the Roxy as the Best of the Fest got underway Sunday evening. The best of the Fest was the last official event of the 2012 Revelstoke Spirit Fest. David F. Rooney photothe last event of the Spirit Fest