More questions for Council candidates: inquiring minds want to know

By David F. Rooney

Heartened by the plethora of candidates seeking a seat at the Council table, a number of “concerned citizens” have put forward a series of questions they hope candidates will answer before next Wednesday’s public forum.

Acting as  spokeswoman for this ad hoc group, Constance Brothers, contacted The Current and asked if it would be possible to use the questions as a springboard for public dialogue.

“Maybe this is my own slanted view, but my biggest concern is what’s happening to businesses in our community,” she said.” I want them to thrive but we’re seeing more empty storefronts.”

Brothers, a local lawyer, said everyone should be concerned about potential councillors views on taxation and other issues in Revelstoke. All candidates have been e-mailed copies of the questions. Anyone else who has a question or comment should feel free to join this discussion online.

Here are the questions she hopes Council candidates will answer by posting their comments on The Current:

Concerned  Citizens of Revelstoke raise the following questions/issues to which they would like the Nominees for Council to respond:

Business Issues

1.            Many businesses in Revelstoke are struggling. In the last several years there has been a noticeable number of businesses closing, vacant storefronts and offices.

a)            Revelstoke currently has the second highest level of business taxes in B.C., which contributes significantly to the difficulties businesses are encountering. What is your position regarding the current level of Business Taxes, and are you committed to reducing these levels.

b)            Do you feel that the City needs to take more steps or give more incentives to create an environment conducive to bringing more business to and creating more jobs in Revelstoke, and if so, what do you feel should be done.

Social Issues

1.            Revelstoke’s Passenger Rail Service was lost in the 1980s. Given the state of the Trans Canada Highway and frequent closures, are you in favour of the City taking steps or participating in an initiative to return Passenger Rail service to Revelstoke.

2.             Do you think that affordable housing is a must for Revelstoke, and if so, what steps should the City take to provide and fund such affordable housing.

3.            What is your vision for the future of Revelstoke, and what future projects should the City be undertaking to realize your vision.


City Administration Issues

1.            Do you think that there has been enough transparency at Council and at City Hall, and what would you do to assure that there is such transparency.

2.            Do you feel that the City Budget and expenses need to be reviewed and lowered, and  if so what steps do you propose should be taken in this regard.