With some regret, this is to announce my intention to retire from working for the people of Revelstoke as a City Councillor.
Many aspects of my past three years of service have been very rewarding and worthwhile, thanks also to the many individuals and groups who have educated, informed and encouraged me. After only one term in office, I’m trying to not feel guilty of betraying that ‘investment’ of yours.
However, at age 62, my need to look after my own financial needs before I’m too old to work for a living, and the call of my grandchild and of others far from here, mean that I can’t commit myself to the time needed to give it my ‘all’, and giving it my all is the only way I’m prepared to do the job.
Also, I need to somehow get cracking writing that book about all those Southern African experiences, which for at least 30 years people have been telling me to get on with! For that, I need to clear many of those Council files and heaps of papers from my study, as well as de-cluttering my mental and emotional space, to make room for the next chapter.
Thank you to all who gave me your trust by voting for me last time, and to the very very many more of you who have encouraged me to run again! I’m sure you’ll find some great candidates to support in the November 19 election, and I’ll be happy to assist and mentor anyone whose values and agenda I like.
Let’s hope that candidates come forward who will continue to encourage the voices of “the little guys”, and who get it that Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability are inseparably intertwined. The security of this community, and the futures of our children and grandchildren, depends on wholistic vision and vigilance about the decisions we collectively make.
I expect to stay involved in this vibrant community, playing whatever parts I can. So, we are sure to still see lots of each other!
Antoinette Halberstadt