YOU can help make Canada Day a great event

By David F. Rooney

Ah, Canada Day! It’s only a month away and while this year’s festivities are being organized, Meghan MacIsaac, the new programmer hired by Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, is seeking volunteers who can help with some of the activities.

“We are looking for support and or volunteer efforts for a pancake breakfast, BBQ in QE park, live entertainment, street entertainment, children’s events and  adult  sports tournaments for the day,” she told The Current. “We are currently in the very early stages of planning and looking forward to working with you. If you are interested or know someone who may be, feel free to pass along my name, and get in touch.”

MacIsaac was only recently hired as Heather Duchman’s replacement at the Community Centre and knows she has quite a bit of catching up to do.

“Normally, organizing the Canada Day events would have begun months ago,” she said.

However, Heather’s well-deserved retirement put everything on hold until MacIsaac was hired at the end of April. Still, plans are being laid for an excellent celebration of Canada’s 144th birthday.

But those plans won’t come to fruition without some help by the men and women who know how to get things done. If you’d like to help make this a great Canada Day, please contact Meghan MacIsaac at  250-837-9351, extension 277, or send her an e-mail at