Tania McCabe, deputy director of finance for the City of Revekstoke, says last week’s story regarding the new City website contains some incorrect information.
In an e-mail to The Current on Friday she said “You have quoted me as saying the local submission for the website was double the price of the proponent we choose. This is not the information that was provided. My statement was that the Canadian submission which made our short list was double the price of the proponent we selected. The local submission did not make the short list and they were provided a de-briefing to explain why.”
McCabe did not respond to calls or e-mails from The Current. Notes taken during Current Publisher David Rooney’s brief discussion with her regarding the reason the City went with an American company as opposed to a local one record her response as “local bidders were double.”
Readers may wish to read Shane McCallum’s response to the original story. McCallum, president of Rev Software, had bid on the project and says his bid was not over the City’s budget. He did not make the short list and says he no one even gave him the courtesy of a response to his bid until he made some phone calls on his own.