McHappy Day at McDonald’s: all for charity

McHappy Day dawned at McDonald’s Restaurant with Mayor David Raven handing out the go-juice to eager customers. Throughout the day, well-known local citizens like him helped out at the franchise by serving up food and asking customers to donate a buck or two to the Trees for Tots Foundation.

Trees for Tots raises money that it disperses to families of children with serious illnesses who require treatment out of town. That’s something that can be a real burden and its assistance is always welcome.

Here are a few shots of local people helping out:

Mayor David Raven gets a cup of go-juice ready for a customer at McDonald's on Wednesday morning. He was helping out on McHappy Day raising money for charity. David F. Rooney photo
Bob Loeppky bids on one of the silent auction items at McDonald's on Wednesday. May 11 was also McHappy Day when well-known people like Bob helped out at the restaurant by interesting customers in making small donations to Trees for Tots, the foundation that helps families with seriously sick kids who face extensive travel and residential bills when they have to take their children out of town. David F. Rooney photo
Mayor Raven (left) and Current Publisher David Rooney pose with McDonald's co-owner Cathy Blakely and employee Whitney Okimura. David F. Rooney photo
Effervescent Arrow Heights Elementary teacher Laurel Russell poses at the cash register with a regular restaurant employee. David F. Rooney photo
Kale Blakely is always up for McHappy Day at his parents' restaurant. David F. Rooney photo