Revelstoke’s Rocky Mountain Rangers Army Cadets held their annual Ceremonial Review at the Community Centre Sunday with newly elected MP David Wilks presiding as the formal reviewing officers.
The cadets’ invited guests saw demonstrations of the cadets’ skills and a display of artefacts related to the regiment.
Here are a few images from the initial formal parade and award presentations:
MP David Wilks (left) stands as cadets of the Rocky Mountain Rangers march past during a ceremonial parade at the Community Centre on Sunday. David F. Rooney photoLcpl. Alex Tilden (right) receives the award for best dressed cadedt on parade from MP David Wilks. David F. Rooney photoCWO Justin Smith (left) receives the Legion Medal of Excellence Award from Greg Brownlee of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 46. The medal is presented each year to a cadet who demonstrates superior commitment to the cadet corps and the community. David F. Rooney photoWO Rachel Rienks (right) receives the Lord Strathcona Medal, which is given annually to the cadet who excels at the skills required to be an army cadet. David F. Rooney photoCadets stand at attention in front of MP David Wilks. David F. Rooney photoCadets march past spectators at the formal parade on Sunday afternoon. David F. Rooney photo