Canadian Pacific Police Service officers from Montreal to Vancouver will conduct more than 100 safety and enforcement blitzes in communities across Canada next week during Rail Safety Week.
“Canadian Pacific has an industry-leading safety record, and the safety of CP employees and the communities where the company operates are top priorities,” says Canadian Pacific Police Chief Ivan McClelland. “During Rail Safety Week, Canadian Pacific Police Service officers, in partnership with local and national police and public safety agencies, will be very visible, targeting risky behavior near the tracks.”
In 2010, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada recorded 180 crossing accidents, resulting in 24 fatalities and 28 serious injuries. Crossing fatalities increased 26% across Canada last year. The TSB also recorded 81 trespasser incidents, resulting in 55 fatalities and 19 serious injuries. Trespasser fatalities increased five percent over 2009. The numbers do not include the many near collisions that take place every year.
When it comes to train tracks — LOOK, LISTEN, LIVE!
- ALWAYS use designated level crossings to cross train tracks.
- ALWAYS obey the signs and signals near railway crossings — flashing lights and bells mean the train is coming so be safe and stay away.
- ALWAYS stop, look and listen before you cross just to make sure it is safe.
- ALWAYS stay away from the edge of the platform while waiting for the train at the station. Stay behind the platform safety line.
- ALWAYS stay away from trains and tracks and off railway property.
- ALWAYS say “NO” to trespassing on tracks or railway property.
- NEVER take shortcuts on or around train tracks – it is dangerous.
- NEVER throw things at trains – you could hurt someone.
- NEVER put objects on train tracks — they can fly off and hurt someone — maybe you.
- NEVER walk in front of or behind a stopped train —it could move suddenly.
- NEVER walk or climb between parked railway cars — they can move at any time and you can get hurt.
- NEVER enter open boxcars — the doors can shut suddenly and trap you there.
- NEVER use railway tunnels and bridges as shortcuts — a train can come at any time.
People trespassing on railway property or failing to yield the right-of-way to an approaching train at a crossing risk death or serious injury. Both actions are offences under the federal Rail Safety Act or applicable provincial legislation. Offences occurring at crossings and on railway property can be reported to the Canadian Pacific Police Service at 1-800-716-9132 or to local police.
About Canadian Pacific Police Service:
The Canadian Pacific Police Service is a police agency created by federal statute with full federal and provincial powers. CPPS officers are peace officers as defined by the Criminal Code. The CPPS plays an important role in public safety and enforcement in the communities where Canadian Pacific operates. CPPS officers typically promote public safety through trespasser abatement patrols, enforcement of traffic legislation at railway crossings and participation in education activities to raise awareness of community safety issues. The CPPS also help to protect the critical infrastructure of Canada and the US by ensuring supply chain security and ensuring the operational efficiency of the transportation network.