In Pictures: Revelstoke Spirit Festival — Day Eight
By David F. Rooney
You could feel the heat and almost taste the hunger in the Last Drop on Friday as eight guys competed to be Revelstoke’s very first Top Bloke.
There were a lot of women at the tables and you could almost see the fantasies churning through some of their minds as Gabriel Giroux of Kawakubo, Corey McKenzie of Second Chance, Aaron McKenzie of Escape Within, Jacob Hanson of the Village Idiot, Matt Hartwich of Powder Springs, Frank Romeo, Justin Butler of the Last Drop and Party Mike of Society Snow and Skate paraded through the crowd.
The guys were judged in three categories: formal wear, sportswear and talent. There scores from these three events were then matched with scores from the Ladies Night event on Thursday by a panel of independent judges.
Well… why spend time writing about what happened when I can show you in pictures — and a video!
Powder Springs' Victoria Leeson served up a terrific buffet of chicken, roast beef, potatoes, pasta and salads for guests at the Last Drop's Top Bloke Contest on Friday night. The pub was jammed with people eager to see who would be chosen. Who won? keep scrolling down to see more photos of the evening's action. David F. Rooney photoAnd here are the contestants! From left to right with MC Steve Smith are: Frank Romeo, Matt Hartwich, Jacob Hanson, Gabriel Giroux, Party Mike, Corey and Aaron McKenzie and Justin Butler. After their debut at the Ladies Night event (you can see photos and video here on The Current), they had to wow a panel of judges with their deportment in the formal wear, ski/sports wear and talent portion of Friday night's final. David F. Rooney photoGabriel Giroux struts his stuff in the ski/sportswear portion of the evening. A lot of the ladies present thought he was pretty hot. David F. Rooney photoAaron McKenzie whoops as he enters the pub. David F. Rooney photoAnd what could you say about Matt Hartwich. That hair ALMOST looks natural... David F. Rooney photoJustin Butler shows his, ah, style. David F. Rooney photoOo la la. There were a few hungry looks in the crowd when Corey McKenzie swaggered through the audience. David F. Rooney photoFrank Romeo, the only local guy in the Top Bloke Contest, attempts to bribe Judge Neills Kristensen of the Friends of Mount Revelstoke & Glacier with a shot of Sambuca as he skates onto the floor. David F. Rooney photoParty Mike fit the bill as a boarder in the sportswear event. David F. Rooney photoThe exuberant Jacob Hanson slaloms his way through the crowd. David F. Rooney photoThese girls were having a fine time ogling the guys. David F. Rooney photoSteve Smith chats with Judges Meghan Tabor of RMR and Suzie Wiebe of The Times Review during a brief break in the action. David F. Rooney photoMatt Hartwich was keen to make an impression on the ladies with his fashion sense, but we don't think those colours exist in nature, buddy. We also noticed that he was careful to stay away from open flames. David F. Rooney photoJustin Butler went for the Aloha Look. David F. Rooney photoCorey McKenzie hands out roses to some of the ladies. David F. Rooney photoBut when it came to formal wear nobody outshone Frank Romeo. Pretty classy, Frank! David F. Rooney photoFrom Frank's classic and classy look to the Caddyshack look. Pretty relaxed looking, Mike. David F. Rooney photoJacob Hanson looking, ah, even more exuberant than before. Was it something in the water, Jake? David F. Rooney photoSometimes you just have to get up and stare... David F. Rooney photoAnd here's what they're staring at: Aaron McKenzie doing a strip tease. That's quite a "talent." Fortunately he didn't get past this stage. But judging by the looks on some of these faces, that's enough. David F. Rooney photoCorey managed to make this look easy. David F. Rooney photoMatt Hartwich enlisted Jason Roe in a series of card tricks — proof that he has a talent beyond buying oddly-coloured suits in Thailand. David F. Rooney photoJacob Hanson demonstrates his "special" talent on Jana Coes. He must have been good — that's a $20 she's giving him. David F. Rooney photoJustin Butler (left) and Party Mike emulated Canadian icons Bob and Doug MacKenzie for the crowd. But could they make that weird Koo-roooo-koo-koo-koo-kookoorekoo-koo sound? David F. Rooney photoCorey McKenzie shows he was a man of hidden depths as he guzzled a Corona and juggled fruit at the same. But he could he walk and do it? David F. Rooney photoFrank had a little comedy routine going, as well as a song or two, for the crowd. Pretty good, Frank. David F. Rooney photoA clown in a bathrobe? At least Gabriel Giroux wasn't a Killer Klown... David F. Rooney photoBut he did leave them laughing with his rather risque — and flaming hot! — routine. (See the video below) David F. Rooney photoAnd then, after a dance demo, it was one big lone-in on stage as the judges went to deliberate. David F. Rooney photoAnd here are the judges: David Rooney of The Current, Meghan Tabor of RMR, Suzie Wiebe of The Times Review and Neills Kristensen of the Friends of Mount Revelstoke & Glacier. And... oh, yes... that's the irrepressible Steve Smith introducing them to the crowd. Jackie Pendergast photoWhile the judges decided there could be only one Top Bloke they thought Gabriel Giroux's laughably risque performance was worth some special recognition: a bottle of wine and special consideration from the Last Drop. Here he is getting ready to smooch Powder Springs General Manager Emma Kirkland. Jackie Pendergast photoAnd here's the man everyone was dying to meet Revelstoke's VERY FIRST TOP BLOKE: Jacob Hanson of the Village Idiot. He made out like a bandit with special discounts, VIP passes to The Regent and other goodies. Jackie Pendergast photoAnd then after the show there was music provided by Terry Dactyl and The Extinctions. David F. Rooney photo