Editor’s Note:
Mardi Syrnyk sent The Current this photo she says accurately illustrates the danger to children who go and from school along Nichol Road. She also outlines her concerns in the accompanying letter. Both the photo and the letter were also sent to City Planning Director John Guenther:

Dear Mr Guenther,
This photo was taken February 3 at 2:35 pm on Nichol Rd. I drive by this situation twice a day, 5 days a week. As the mother of a child who goes to Arrow Heights School, this scene is of great concern and in obvious need of very urgent attention. Not only are the children in danger of being hit, but the drivers are forced to swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid running over them.
My question is, with a growing neighbourhood in Arrow Heights, along with the increased traffic demands from the ski hill why have you not made putting in safe, accessible foot travel pathways in this area one of your most urgent and greatest priorities?
The lack of safe and plowed foot travel pathways has forced many parents to drive their children to school during the winter months which is both not “Green” and is unnecessary.
Perhaps guardrails and sidewalks, or some other city maintained foot path connecting the upper Arrow Heights area to the lower are scheduled to be built this spring and if so, I commend and thank you for taking steps toward keeping our children and drivers safe.
Mardi Syrnyk RN