BEES, RCTV generously support the Food Bank 2011-01-13The Bygone Era Entertainment Society's Ken Jones (left) and Catherine Bell contributed $350 to the Revelstoke Food Bank on Thursday afternoon. The money, given here as a cheque to Patti Larson of the Community Connections Food Bank, was raised through the society's Christmas Magic Lantern show on December 23 at the Nickelodeon Museum. David F. Rooney photoRCTV's Cheryl Thompson (right) hand Patti Larson of the Community Connections Food Bank a cheque for $699.23. The money represents a portion of the Internet hookups in Revelstoke by RCTV between November 1 and December 23. This was the second year in a row that the company dedicated some of its pre-Christmas Internet hookups to the Food Bank. David F. Rooney photo