The Community Centre was crawling with ghouls, goblins, fairies and other supernatural creatures Monday as local children came out for the annual Halloween Party and Haunted House.
It was a a lot of fun to see the kids in their costumes, especially the really young ones who were just discovering that getting really dressed up can mean they’ll get some treats.
The Grade Seven class from Arrow Heights Elementary School did an absolutely first-class job on the Hunted House this year, too. There lots of nameless horrors, ghouls, zombies and other creatures of the night who put a terrific show for kids both young and old.
If you’d like to revisit it you can, albeit through our photos. Happy Halloween!
Mark, Lisa and young Luke Belsham were just one of the many families that attended this year's Community Halloween Party at the Rec Centre on Monday. David F. Rooney photoMeet the Count... Count Matthew Thibeault, that is. David F. Rooney photoA couple of tiny ghouls play ball hockey with members of the Revelstoke Grizzlies. David F. Rooney photoMy, aren't they pretty! Tyila and Makenna Gallon were ready for a fun Halloween. David F. Rooney photoPrincess jasmin (aka Lauren Kline) meets Tracy (just call me Indiana Jones!) Spannier. David F. Rooney photoAvast there, me hearties! Dwayne Wright brought his very own crew — Darin, Nevaeh and Kyahna — to the Hunted House. David F. Rooney photoThere's always a Good Fairy around at Halloween. This year it was Mya Manson. David F. Rooney photoThe line up for the Haunted House, presented this year by the Grade Seven students at Arrow Heights Elementary as a fundraiser for their class trip, was pretty good. If you'd like to see just how good, keep viewing... David F. Rooney photoOuch! A flash! One of two ghouls guarding the front entrance to the Haunted House blinked when she was surprised by the photographer's flash. David F. Rooney photoMayhem! More weird and creepy stuff in the dark! David F. Rooney photoThere were plenty of bats, cobwebs and giant spiders inside the Haunted House. David F. Rooney photoYikes! At times the kids looked like cast members from Night of the Living Dead. David F. Rooney photoYet another unknown fiend in the night. David F. Rooney photoWait a minute! Could this be evidence of true paranormal activity? Was the Haunted House truly haunted? David F. Rooney photoHaunted Houses always have a Lurch (or is it a Thing?) in a corner somewhere. David F. Rooney photoAh! Dinner is served! Cat girl was ready to accommodate dinner guests. David F. Rooney photoCould this be yet another Nameless Terror? David F. Rooney photoA creature of the night emerges from the grave... brou hahaha! David F. Rooney photoAnd last not but least — a final scream from beyond the grave... just before you exit! David F. Rooney photo