Editor’s Note:
The BC Liberals MLA, Bill Bennett, has issued a letter attacking Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald and the anti-HST campaign by attempting to tie some individuals in the anti-HST issue to neo-Nazism. (You can read his original letter here.) Here is Macdonald’s response:
I am responding to Bill Bennett’s letter in which he again attempts to contort a democratic process in a way that simply proves the point I was trying to make in my last MLA report.
We live in a democracy, but it is a democracy that is under attack.
An amazing thing happened in British Columbia this spring and summer. Using the Initiative Act, 700,000 British Columbians stated loudly and clearly that they oppose the HST. That is democracy in action.
But this BC Liberal government is attacking that democratic action by attempting to reframe the issue in people’s minds. The BC Liberals believe that if they can successfully tie the Initiative and Recall process to the unsavoury past of a few, they can discredit every volunteer who gave their time to this process. If they can discredit the process maybe you will forget about their deception on the HST.
People in my area tell me that they will not be fooled. They know what the real question is. Do British Columbians oppose the BC Liberals’ HST? Are they willing to stand up against a government that embraces dishonesty in order to get elected?
The answer is a resounding yes. And no obfuscation on the part of Bill Bennett or Gordon Campbell is going to change that.
Norm Macdonald MLA
Columbia River – Revelstoke