Hi Seniors of Revelstoke:
Another summer has come and gone. From your board and myself we hope you all had a safe, happy and great summer.
September is here so please remember to pick up this month’s calendar at the front door. And see all the activities and events for the month of September.
The Selkirk Singers will resume choir on Wednesday, Sept. 8th at 1:30 pm at the Seniors Centre.
Computer classes will start in October, but the sign up sheets will be posted by the General Meeting on Thursday, September 9th , so please watch for them and sign up for the classes.
Our General Meeting for September will be on Thursday, September 9th at 1:30 pm. So please come early and read the materials from previous meetings ahead of time.
The Senior’s Centre is in need of VOLUNTEERS for the many activities and events that are held each and every month, and also for the special events and activities. If you can give a bit of your time or know someone who maybe interested please get in touch with one of your board members. Remember your Centre is run by volunteers and we can always use more people to help out.
All other activities and events that occur monthly will be starting in September, like darts, whist, carpet bowling, WII, and many more, so remember to pick up your calendar.
It is with a heavy and sad heart that I have to announce that this will be my last column for the Senior’s of Revelstoke, I will also have officially resigned as Secretary. I have really enjoyed my time working with the Senior’s, doing your column and participating in events and activities. I wish the Board and membership all the best now and in the future, and in all the new and exciting things that will be happening this year.
Come and have a say in how your Centre is run, and volunteer your time, it is a very worthwhile use of time, and a lot of fun as well. I know that your board/executive will be happy to have everyone back and enjoying the events and activities.
Take good care everyone, and know I am thinking of each of you.
Alice Daniels is the Revelstoke Seniors’ Association’s Public Relations Director