By David F. Rooney
A Railway Museum tour to see a century old logging railway trestle bridge has been cancelled.
Tour organizer Greg Brule said Wednesday that he and Jennifer Dunkerson, the museum’s executive director, “made an executive decision” on Wednesday and pulled the pin on the tours which had been scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday.
“It’s Revelstoke,” Brule said. “People come to things at the last minute. We really needed people to sign up in advance for this but we only got a few sign-ups.”
He said people “just don’t understand” what’s involved in putting together a tour like this. The museum lined up The Stoke Bus to carry people to the trail head from which point they’d have to make a short hike to the bridge and it had engaged chefs at the Powder Springs Inn to produce the box lunches that every tour participant would have received.
“Powder Springs had to know fairly quickly how many people were going,” Brule said.
However, that doesn’t mean the tours won’t be offered again.
“We might be able to do it this fall,” he said.
People who would like to visit the trestle bridge this autumn are encouraged to call the museum at 250-837-6060. Those people who had already signed up for a tour will be at the head of the list.