Budget crunch got you down? There are a few ways to create quality family entertainment that can fit into the most frugal of budgets.
Here are some great suggestions
1. Watch Movies from the Library
Did you know the Okanagan Regional Library offers full-length feature movies? That’s right, your favorite new releases are available for free! There is a limit on how many movies you can take at one time and you will have to request them from online, but free is pretty cheap. Of course, feature films are not the only thing the library has to offer. You can also borrow music, magazines, and of course books.
2. Potluck and BBQ
Everybody has to eat. Why not, invite the neighbors or some friends over and colorable on your meal. It won’t cost you anything beyond what your already paying and you’ll get some great company.
3. Games
Dust off Monopoly and Payday, and you’ll discover there is a whole generation of young people that are happy to play the games you played as a kid. You can purchase these games at stores like “Legends and Heroes” or “Pharmasave:, or start looking through garage sales.
4. Go to the park or playground
For a small town, Revelstoke has a lot of playgrounds and parks. You will be able to keep in shape and have your kids entertained for hours.
5. Play sports
Gather your family together for a ball game or soccer game. You’ll have plenty of fun and you’ll also stay healthy with this one too.
6. Make snack food at home
Instead of doing a convenience store run, learn how to make tasty creations at home, or buy from the grocery store. This will avoid you impulse buying, and still create the same snacky opportunities.
Spending time together is important and valuable. Don’t let the economic downturn stop you from making lasting memories.
Joel Olson is a Revelstoke-based mortgage broker. You can contact him directly at joel@c3revelstoke.ca. His website is at www.joelolson.ca and his telephone number is 250-814-1627.