After a year in the position, Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald has been re-elected as Opposition Caucus Chairman.
The role of caucus chairman involves chairing all caucus meetings, sitting on a variety of committees and providing opportunities for professional development for Opposition MLAs.
“I have enjoyed the challenge of the last year and I am pleased to be re-elected by my peers,” said Macdonald.
“Having a leadership role within caucus allows me to bring a rural perspective to our decision-making process. Our caucus is working on developing a vision for British Columbia, a vision that will speak to voters across the province.”
During the last provincial election, three key issues were raised to Macdonald by constituents, and these are the three ideas that he is focusing on.
“I believe that we must improve our democratic processes. I believe that we must build a more equitable society. And I believe that we must protect the commons; the Crown lands that we all own.”
Macdonald is also the Opposition Critic for Forests and Range.