Presentation to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15 is the 5th Anniversary of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the Revelstoke Community Response Network will mark it with a special presentation entitled, Shining a Light to Promote Seniors Living in Dignity.

The presentation will be held the day afterwards at the Seniors’ Centre at 3 pm on June 16 so that it will coincide with the centre’s celebration of birthdays for seniors born in June and July.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is marked regularly each year to raise public awareness of the elder abuse issue.

“We have a profound responsibility to create a supportive, abuse and neglect free environment where people are treated with dignity, and valued as an integral part of society,” Leanne Lange, chairwoman of the BC Community Association of Community Response Networks, said in a statement.  “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is a key platform on which to spread that message.”

BCACRN is focused on creating communities where seniors live in dignity.

Allison Leaney, its executive director, noted in the statement that recent research suggests older adults have an increased conceptual ability to solving complex problems.

“That being the case we need to harness the ‘brain power’ of older adults when it comes to solving a complex problem like abuse of vulnerable adults,” she said.

According to the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, “abuse of older adults who are vulnerable is a complex, multi-faceted social, health, and legal issue, recognized worldwide and crossing all cultural, economic, racial, and social boundaries.”

Throughout June, Community Response Networks (CRNs) across BC will host a variety of events such as purple ribbon campaigns, multi-cultural events, community forums and displays to bring attention to World Elder Abuse Awareness.  Watch for upcoming events in the community.  A complete list of events in BC is available at

Celebrate the unique gifts of older persons, and take a stand for human rights.  Just one person can make a difference!