City Council, briefly…

City Council was very pleased to have a chance to see — and touch — both the Cyclone Taylor Cup (left) and the KIJHL Championship Trophy that the Grizzlies have brought home. Standing on the left is Josh McKissock and on the right, Jeff Mobley. The trophies will be on display at City Hall. David F. Rooney photo


Just how do Revelstoke taxpayers stack up against those in other BC cities and towns?

Councillor Tony Scarcella has, in recent meetings, been complaining that Revelstokians are among the most heavily taxed municipal rate payers, if not the most heavily taxed people in BC.

However, that appears to not be the case.

Council asked City staff to check on that and it turns out that depending on how you measure it, Revelstoke ranks 61 out of 160, or 72 out of 160 or 75 out of 160. Unfortunately, Scarcella was not at Council’s meeting as a Committee of the Whole (COW) on Tuesday to receive the good news.

“That information was requested by Councillor Scarcella,”noted committee Chairwoman Antoinette Halberstadt. “He can read it in his binder.”


On a more positive note, the COW decided to recommend to the Columbia Shuswap regional District that the Revelstoke Cycling Association and the Golf Club be granted $125,000 and $40,000, respectively, for two projects they have been working on.

The RCA plans to build new trails on Frisby Ridge for mountain bikers while the Golf Club wants to refurbish the patio, replace the practice net at the driving range and shorten the ladies’ tees at several holes.


Federal Treasury Board President Stockwell Day, who is also the minster for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, will be in Revelstoke on Thursday, April 8, to make a major announcement at the Railway Museum at 10:30 am.

He will be making the announcement on behalf of Jim Prentice, federal minister of the environment and the minister responsible for Parks Canada.

Mayor David Raven said he has no idea what the announcement will be and, since he can’t be at the event due to a prior commitment he urged other Councillors to attend.
