Rail Jam was a rockin’ good time at Grizzly Plaza

By David F. Rooney

The avalanche on Boulder Mountain ate up most of my afternoon and evening but I did manage to catch some decent photos of Saturday’s Rail Jam, which drew hundreds downtown for the music, the ambience and — Oh! Of course! — 30 young skiers and boarders who registered for this year’s event.

Here they are:

Three members of the Rail Jam event staff catch a pew for their break and watch the rest of the work crew beaver away Saturday morning. David F. Rooney photo
John Devitt, the Chamber of Commerce's executive director, proves he's not just another pretty face as he demonstrates his expertise with a shovel as he builds the staircase behind the hill. David F. Rooney photo
Workers re-position the old car that was one of the main obstacles in this year's Rail Jam. David F. Rooney photo
A young boy shows his stuff as he attempts to ski over the barrel. David F. Rooney photo
Colin Pringle, Brandt Adams, Mack Olsen and Frankie Howe were the top competitors in the children's category and won some pretty cool prizes, including gear and passes to Sky Trek. David F. Rooney photo
One of the guys in the Open Category leaps onto the rail during warm-ups. David F. Rooney photo
This fellow looked like he'd do just fine as he began his run down the hill during the Open Category warm-ups... David F. Rooney photo
He made it onto the car okay... David F. Rooney photo
... but took a tumble as he came off it. Too bad! David F. Rooney photo
An Open Category competitors gets ready to go. David F. Rooney photo
Fans had a great time at the Rail Jam. David F. Rooney photo
Blind Spot provided some rockin' good music for the event, which ran from 4 pm until 9, followed by an After Party at the Last Drop. David F. Rooney photo
A cameraman catches some video of one competitor before his run. David F. Rooney photo
Like pilgrims on the stairway to heaven, young skiers and boarders crowd the stairway as they await their turn. David F. Rooney photo