Business in the classroom was a tasty affair 2010-03-04Business came to the classroom on Thursday when Elvira Brunner of Crescendo came to Kristen Fawcett's cooking class at RSS to talk with students about the value of using top-quality vinegars and oils. Anyone who thiought there are only two kinds of vinegar and only a few kinds of oil was quickly disabused of that outdated notion. David F. Rooney photoA selection of oils and vinegars awaits Kristen Fawcett's students. David F. Rooney photoKristen Fawcett talks with her class before they taste the several different vinegars and oils Crescendo's Elvira Brunner brought to her RSS class. David F. Rooney photoThe students were intrigued and delighted by the different taste sensations produced by Crescendo's different products. David F. Rooney photo