By David F. Rooney
The Revelstoke Current’s readership has been growing by leaps and bounds. We now have received 71,938 visits from 14,801 people,. That’s waaaay up from Jan. 1 when we had received 50,545 visits from what Google Analytics terms as 11,005 “absolute unique visitors.” Most are in Canada but many are in other countries and I’d like to know a little bit about all of you folks.
Not a lot, mind you, perhaps just a photo of you — ideally with the front page of The Current displayed on a computer or laptop screen — taken in a location that says something about where you live, who you are or what you do. It could be a landmark, a favourite spot or even your kitchen table.
If I receive enough I’d like to publish them, with your permission of course, so everyone can see who else who reads The Current. There are many former Revelstokians or people related to Revelstoke residents who do read it. I am certain of this because I know some of them, like Nelson, Jeanette (nee Stovel), Evan and Emma Nip who live in Europe and who were kind enough to send me a photo that certainly says where they are.
And there are people who find us interesting but who may not yet have visited our fair community. Whoever you are and where ever you may be I — and I think our other readers, too — would surely like to know.
Should you choose to do this please send your name and a high-resolution colour photo to editor@revelstokecurrent.com. Thanks.
Given our civilization’s valid concerns about privacy and the Internet you have my undertaking that while I may use your name and location (e.g.: John Doe, Manchester, England) your e-mail address and other contact information will not be published. Nor will it be archived or disseminated on a list of any kind.