The month of March is going to be a very busy one, so please make sure to pick up your monthly calendar. You won’t want to miss out on the activities and events.
On Tuesday, March 2 at 7 pm the CBT verbal presentations will have taken place to the general public and the panel. Our President Ruth Boettger has done our presentation for us this year.
Its income tax season again, and on March 3,10,17,24, and 31 there will be trained persons available to do income tax for eligible low-income individuals at the Centre.
Our general meeting is on Thursday, March 11 at 1:30 pm so please plan on attending.
Our monthly Birthday Party is on Wednesday, March 17 at 3:30 pm, so please come out to celebrate and visit with friends.
On March 14 we turn our clocks ahead an hour for daylight savings time, so please make a note of the change so you don’t miss out on your events and activities at the Centre.
Wednesday, March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day so please remember to wear something green for this festive time.
We are having a dinner In this Month on Wednesday, March 24. Please take note of the earlier cut off for this dinner is on Wednesday, March 17. It will be catered by the United Church Women at a cost of $ 15 a plate, and if you sign up and don’t show up you are still going to be responsible for your $15 cost.
There are still some outstanding memberships so please remember to renew your membership, and we hope to see many more Seniors join us as well.
The Canadian Hearing Care is having Demo Days from April 13 until the 15th of April. There will be hearing aid manufacturers to demonstrate their latest hearing aids and accessories. So if you are 55 years of age or older please prebook your hearing evaluation by contacting us at 250-837-3011.
Again I am looking forward to seeing everyone during our monthly activities and events. See you all at the Centre.