There are now 24 BC communities officially entered in the Kraft Hockeyville 2010 Contest and we are No. 1… for now.
Revelstoke, which has 24 stories and 37 images posted on the official Kraft Hockeyville site, could lose that lead if we don’t get more people posting stories and photos.
I’m pretty sure most people understand that but they balk at posting their stories for a number of reasons:
1) They don’t think their story would be interesting;
2) They don’t know what to write;
3) They don’t play or like hockey.
I think it’s important for people to understand what the Revelstoke Hockeyville 2010 Committee is looking for. Chairman Gary McLaughlin and I, along with the other members, have discussed this at some length and here’s the scoop.
We are not looking for stories that praise our local hockey teams. The stories should not be Rah-Rah-Rah tales about the Grizzlies or the Junior Grizzlies. What we are looking for are stories that are somewhat more thoughtful. Here’s a case in point:
A few days ago I stopped by the Talisman to drop off Monday’s copies of The Current when Janet Pearson, the store’s owner, asked me how the campaign was going. I said it was motoring along okay but we’d really like people to post more stories.
“I know what you mean,” she said. “I’d like to write a story but I don’t even like hockey.”
“Why’s that?” I asked.
“When I was young I always wanted to go out and have fun but the boys only wanted to play hockey. I haven’t really liked it since then.”
“What about now?”
“Well, that’s kind of interesting,” she said. “I was at a game recently with a friend and was watching her get all worked up. She was so into it! I thought that was rather admirable.”
Now that’s a good story. Here’s someone who has no use for the game herself but she recognizes its value to her friend and her friend’s family. That’s an interesting take on the cultural and social influence of the game. And let’s face it there are plenty of people in Canada — even right here in Revelstoke — who dislike hockey. Try as they might they still have a relationship with the game and many, perhaps even most, would likely say that the game is important to their kids/nephews/nieces/friends and friends’ kids.
Your story could be about something like that, or about the dedication of your mother or father as they get up at ungodly hours three times a week to drive you and your siblings to hockey practice and games all over the region. It could be about a coach who has influenced your life. Or it could be about the small-town pride we have in our History of Hockey displays.
Your story could be about any one of those things or about something I can’t even begin to imagine. What matters is that your story is honest, true and about hockey culture, hockey traditions, hockey as a game, people in hockey or how you were influenced by hockey or about what a great place The Forum is for young people. And, speaking of The Forum, that’s when your story doesn’t even have to mention the work hockey. Perhaps you’re a figure skater who spends hours every week gliding across the ice at The Forum. Or you’re one of the kids who gets on top of The Forum every winter to shovel its roof free of snow. That could be a story.
Length doesn’t matter. It could be 100 words or 1,000 words. Your story is your story so tell it the way you want to tell it. And don’t forget a photo. All Hockeyville stories must be accompanied by a photo.
So do our entire community a favour and think about a story — your story — and if you need some help to get it online, come to the Community Centre on Nov. 28 and members of the Revelstoke Hockeyville Committee will help you put it online for the world to appreciate… and to ensure that we remain No. 1.
Feel inspired? Go to www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/hockeyville/communities/bc/en/ and enter your story and photo now!