Christmas is usually a happy time for families, but some lack the wherewithal to put a smile on their children’s faces. You can help them do that by contributing to this year’s Christmas Hamper Program.
The Community Connections Food Bank is now accepting food, toiletries, toys, clothes and other items for this year’s vital program and there are many ways you can help.
You can drop a non-perishable food donation in one of the collection boxes at Cooper’s or Southside, purchase a $2 coupon at either of those stores, buy a gift bag of food at Cooper’s or you can sponsor a family or make a charitable donation. If you are really organized you can organize your own food drive at your school, office or church or you can even pick an angel from the Christmas tree at CIBC and buy a gift for a child.
There is a list of most-needed items: cans of tuna, salmon, ham and other meats, past, pasta sauce and canned tomatoes, chunky soups, breakfast cereals, fruit juices, canned vegetables and fruit, canned milk, peanut butter and jam, baby foods and pablum, toiletries, laundry detergent and dry or canned pet foods. Other ideas for Christmas Hampers include: new unwrapped toys, books and games, gift boxes of cookies, tea and coffee or specialty foods, calendars, magazines, notepads, pens, candles, napkins, kitchen towels, gloves, scarves, socks, blankets, backpacks, movie bucks and gift certificates from any store.
The Christmas Hamper Depot is located in the basement of the Royal Canadian legion at the corner of Garden and First Street West.
It doesn’t take much to make a child’s Christmas a happy one. Please give today.