Just installed, this bin already needs to be emptied…

This new green bin was installed at the recycling area by the Forum on Sept. 24 and it already needs either companion bin, to be emptied or both. Revelstokians filled it to capacity in just four days and some people who discovered it was full heaved their junk on top — perhaps thinking that it had an open top — or just abandoned it to blow around in the wind.  A copy of this photo was sent to Darcy Mooney, manager of recycling for the Columbia Shuswap Regional District on Monday afternoon. "Thanks," he replied. "We have called it in. It will be picked up tomorrow (Tuesday)." David F. Rooney photo
This new green bin, which replaces the old blue ones, was installed at the recycling area by the Forum on Sept. 24 and it already needs either a companion bin, to be emptied or both. Revelstokians filled it to capacity in just four days and some people who discovered it was full heaved their junk on top anyway — perhaps thinking that it had an open top (in which case they're not complete fools) — or just abandoned it to blow around in the wind (in which case they are morons). A copy of this photo was sent to Darcy Mooney, manager of recycling for the Columbia Shuswap Regional District on Monday afternoon. "Thanks," he replied. "We have called it in. It will be picked up tomorrow (Tuesday)." David F. Rooney photo

To find out more about why the old bins were hauled away please go to: www.revelstokecurrent.com/2009/09/24/hey-wherere-you-taking-our-blue-bins-pal/.