By David F. Rooney
Revelstoke Aquaducks celebrated a so-far terrific year at their annual general meeting Tuesday by electing a new board of directors and handing out awards to all of the hard-swimming kids who propelled the team into third place in the region this season.
“This has been a great season,” co-head coach Hardave Birk told the swimmers and parents who turned out for the AGM, which was held — as usual — at Queen Elizabeth Park. “The kids worked hard and had fun. They ended with the team in third place. I think this was the first time they ever made it to third.”
And they can still do a lot better. Several of the team’s best swimmers — Hardave Birk, Alana Brittin, Leif Carnegie, Raine Carnegie, Claudia Cinellie, Gina Cinelli, Beth Granstrom, Kate Granstrom, Christina Hui, Rosemary Kelsall, Anna Pfeiffer, Cynthia Pfeiffer, Emily Pfeiffer, Emma Rota, Josh Rota, Nadia Salon, Alex Szirmai,and Jacob Wallach — are going to the Provincial Championships in Abbotsford later this month.
In the meantime, the kids had a lot to celebrate, including a passel of awards handed out by the club in recognition of their hard work.
The Junior Sportsmanship Award went to Emma Rota while the senior Sportsmanship Award was presented to Christina Hui. The Coaches’ Award to a Junior Swimmer went to Stephanie Wallach and the Coaches’ Award to a Senior Swimmer went to Josh Rota.
Anna Pfeiffer received the Junior Stroke & Style Award while her older sister, Cynthia, received the Senior Stroke & Style Award. The Most Improved Junior Boy was Bryce Molder and the Most Improved Junior Girl was Claudia Cinelli. There was no Most Improved Senior Boy Award so ttwso girls, Jayda Park and Catherine Hui each received a Most Improved Senior Girl Award. The Leadership Award went to Jacob Wallach. Beth Granstrom was recognized as the Most Outstanding Junior Girl while Raine Carnegie was the Most Outstanding Junior Boy. The Most Outstanding Senior Boy was Jacob Wallach and the Most Outstanding Senior Girl was Emily Pfeiffer.
The club also elected a new executive and board of directors. The new executive consists of President Dawn Howe, Vice-president Dave Kaegi, Secretary Crystal Federico and Treasurer Connie Pfeiffer. The directors are Scott LeBuke, Graham Gale, Rosemary Granstrom, Cam Molder, Jodi Wallach, Wendy Rota and Steven Hui.