The Revelstoke Current has been online for a little over a week and what a week it has been. Since I took it online in the last few minutes of June 30 I have published 51 posts about what’s happening in our community. They range from photo features on Canada Day, Timber Days and the opening of the Belonging Exhibition at the Visual Arts Centre (each of which contained many, many photos) to stories and photos about coyotes preying on our pets, the opening of a new restaurant and Public Library programs for kids to sports stories, stand-alone photos and videos of local people and events, opinion pieces and stories from City Hall and the Provincial Court.
And I have you — the people of Revelstoke — to thank for this. Without your support, your readership and your willingness to tell me what’s going on I couldn’t possible have accumulated this volume and variety of photos and stories. I especially tip my hat to those of you who have sent me photos and columns. Please keep it up!
But that’s no surprise, is it? After all, Revelstokians are intensely interested in their community and want to read about what’s really going on in the city.
And there’s more to come. Homecoming is looming just over the horizon and coverage in The Revelstoke Current will be as complete as I can make it. Then there’s the Glacier Challenge Tournament and Lord knows what else coming up in August.
One thing I can predict with certainty is that The Revelstoke Current will be very pleased to offer FREE LISTINGS for garage sales. If you plan to clean out the storage closet, attic or shed and host a garage sale please let me know by e-mail (you can scroll to the bottom of your screen and use the form in the CONTACT US section or send an e-mail to drooney1@telus.net). I’ll post the information here at www.revelstokecurrent.com.
I shall need to know WHERE your garage sale will be and the DAY and TIME you plan on having it. It’s not strictly necessary but you may want to include your name and phone number in case someone wants to contact you.
All garage sale listings will appear online and only online. The two-page print version of The Revelstoke Current that is distributed on Mondays does not have enough space for garage sale listings.
In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy reading all of the fresh news from Revelstoke’s only locally owned community news provider.