Trees for Tots of Revelstoke recently donated $500 to the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation’s Child Car Seat Matching Fund to help buy car seats for needy families in the community.
“Trees for Tots enjoys supporting programs that help children in our community,” Trees for Tots’ Randy Driediger said as he met with Patti Larson of Community Connections this week.
The charity’s money helped Community Connections acquire two infant seats, 10 convertible seats and four high-back booster seats for needy local families.
“This is a tremendous program that is of real use to local families,” Larson said.
Allan Lamb, executive director of the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation, said he a statement that he was very pleased to have Trees for Tots’ support for the child passenger safety initiative.
The BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation set aside $100,000 to match gifts from donors to purchase child car seats and distribute them primarily through family resource programs in every region of the province.
In B.C. all children must be properly secured in an age- and weight-appropriate child car seat when traveling in a vehicle.
The BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation is a non-profit registered charity working with families, communities and business partners to reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes and injuries in B.C. For more information visit www.BCAATSF.ca. or call 604-298-5107. To learn more about Community Connections please go to www.community-connections.ca.