The second day of the 2009 Homecoming celebration was a busy one that saw moderate to large crowds at just about every event on offer, especially the parade downtown and the ribbon-cutting that officially opened the Grizzly Plaza expansion.
Mayor David Raven generously allowed James Baring, Lord Revelstoke, to cut the ribbon inaugurating the plaza expansion. It was a proud moment for the mayor and for the entire city.
The expansion project, while it did run well past its deadline, will be the kind of magnet for residents and visitors that will provide downtown merchants with new impetus and new opportunities for growth.
There were well over 1,000 people stretched along the traditional parade route from the courthouse to Queen Elizabeth Park, where about 1,000 gathered for a Picnic in the Park. The day was also marked by private and public reunions. They are shown here more or less chronologically in photos:
Local Elks Don Osachoff, Glen Cherlet, Todd Driediger, Clancy Boettger and Moe Tessaro pose for a quick pic at the Community Centre where they were part of the crew serving up flapjacks and sausages. Not pictured were Alan Kepler, Gary Krestinsky and John Connor. David F. Rooney photoThe Community Band performed brilliantly for people waiting for the parade on Saturday morning. David F. Rooney photoJanine Boggild talks with customers interested in her home-grown products. Janine takes discarded tetrapacks and milk or juice cartons and transforms them into bags, wallets and purses. Her very distinctive products really do show the power of recycling. David F. Rooney photoNeills Kristensen, executive director of the Friends of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Park, talks with curious visitors at the Farmers' Market on Saturday. Neills KristensenMuriel (Parker) Gallicano gets a ticket from Sophie Salva during the Seniors' centre drop-in Saturday. David F. Rooney photoJames Baring, Lord Revelstoke, listens as Revelstoke Museum Curator Cathy English speaks at the opening of a new exhibit that tells the story of Revelstoke's change of name. David F. Rooney photoPast Miss Revelstokes, including (in front left and right) the 1944 Miss CPR Olive Lazzarotto and Clara (Morrison) Dixon, who held the same title in 1933, gathered at the Community Centre for tea and a photo. David F. Rooney photoJudy Vigue poses with one of her paintings of scenes in the Arrowhead area that were on display at St. Peter's during the South Country Reunion. David F. Rooney photoPat (Bailey) Douglas (left), John Mako and Judy Vigue chat during the South Country Reunion at St. Peter's. David F. Rooney photoJim Floyd poses with Ada Domke Jarvis at the South Country Reunion that was held at St. Peter's Anglican Church. David F. Rooney photo
Councillor Phil Welock tries to snag the ribbon as it flies away a split second after James Baring, Lord Revelstoke snipped the ribbon to officially open the Grizzly Plaza expansion as Mayor Dave Raven looks on. David F. Rooney photoMayor Dave Raven waves from atop a gleaming red fire truck during the parade. David F. Rooney photoPipers from the Revelstoke Highlanders march past during the parade. David F. Rooney photoSteven Hui and Jacki Olson enjoyed a ride in a a motorized contraption during the parade. David F. Rooney photoThis marching band from Vernon played — and marched — with precision during the parade. David F. Rooney photoMiss Revelstoke Kirsten Miola and her flower girls wave to the crowd along the parade route Saturday. David F. Rooney photoParamedic Suzie Cameron dramatized the plight of BC's paramedics who are on strike. David F. Rooney photoThe local wine club's float was a hit with parade-goers, whether they were oenophiles or not. David F. Rooney photoYou just CAN'T have a parade without the Shriners' minicars. David F. Rooney photoLoni Parker, Area B director for the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, waves to the crowd during the parade. David F. Rooney photoCitizen of the Year Ginger Shoji waves to the crowd during the parade. David F. Rooney photoThese young actors from BC Hydro's Power Smart amused the crowd along the parade route. David F. Rooney photoSome float participants were very young, like this younsgster perched atop a fiberglas horse for the Last Drop float. David F. Rooney photo
Joan Ely set the beat for the Lake Revelstoke Dragon Boat Society's entry in the parade. David F. Rooney photoVolunteer for a parade and get a workout? Curves for Women got to it with their float. David F. Rooney photoThere were plenty of very cool cars in the parade. David F. Rooney photoHomecoming Committee members Brenda Diebert and Alan Chell eagerly squirted the crowd watching the parade. David F. Rooney photoChristian City Church kids were an integral part of the church's float in the Homecoming Parade. David F. Rooney photoIt must have been a hot slog for these kids who participated in the Alliance Church's entry in the parade, but they gamely persevered. David F. Rooney photoFormer Miss Revelstoke Bonnie Teed waves brightly at the crowd during the parade. David F. Rooney photoThis Keystone Kop was all set to slap the cuffs on a photographer during the parade. David F. Rooney photoAnd what would you like on that pizza? The people in the Zala's float served it up fresh to kids in the crowd along the parade route. David F. Rooney photoSummer Reading Club kids led the way for a giant caterpillar designed by Zoe Knuff for the Revelstoke Public Library's entry in the parade. David F. Rooney photoHow many feet do we have here? Lots for the library's entry in the parade. David F. Rooney photoAnd why not a unicyclist, too? This acrobatic cyclist wheeled all the way along the parade route. David F. Rooney photoThe crew of a viking ship merrily squirted water and fired off confetti guns during the parade. David F. Rooney photoThese kids on the Battersby Plumbing float got a kick out of soaking the crowd. David F. Rooney photoThese clowns delighted the crowd with their antics. David F. Rooney photoA videographer captures the parade from atop a building. David F. Rooney photoThese beauties drew many admiring glances and comments during the parade. David F. Rooney photoA lone balloon sails away after Saturday's parade — one of the best in recent years. David F. Rooney photoSteve Smith was one of the performers at the Picnic in the Park. David F. Rooney photoGetting together with friends and family during Homecoming also means taking lots and LOTS of photos. Here, Dean Johnson takes a photo of the Johnson Family during the Picnic in the Park. David F. Rooney photoAhhh! A pool, some balls and foamie things and kids will always have fun as they did during the Picnic in the Park. David F. Rooney photoNii Noi Tetteh gets a new face from Logan Davis during the face-painting activity at the Picnic in the Park after the parade. David F. Rooney photoWhat's any kind of public picnic and festival in Queen Elizabeth Park without bocce? Here, Eric Scarcella tosses the ball. David F. Rooney photoMary Kline helps young Chaz Zaldo of Kamloops make his way down the inflatable climbing wall at the children's obstacle course set up at Queen Elizabeth Park as his father, Jose, watches. David F. Rooney photoRevelstoke's popular Sister Girl performed for the crowd at Picnic in the Park. David F. Rooney photoStackers' owners Glen Cherlet and Nicole Shirray served up burgers, fries and other foods for hungry people at the Picnic in the Park. David F. Rooney photoMembers of the Revelstoke Selkirks gathered at Jim and Phyllis Floyd's Columbia Park home for a reunion during Homecoming. David F. Rooney photoJames baring, Lord Revelstoke (left), dined with City Councillor Tony Scarcella and his wife, Irene, at the St. Francis Catholic Church's dinner on Saturday. David F. Rooney photoLiz and Harvie Barker talk with Paul Salva at the United Church's Homecoming dinner Saturday. Barker, for years the local United Church minister and weekly newspaper columnist, is now retired and living in Penticton. David F. Rooney photoParks Canada's hysterically funny Mountain WIT troupe — Steve Jerand, Kyla Read and Phil Nugent — had the audience in stitches at Grizzly Plaza as they performed a series of skits about water. David F. Rooney photo.Joseph Blood & the Bluetick Houn' Dogs rocked Grizzly Plaza on Saturday night. David F. Rooney photoAlan and Donna MacLeod were smart: they brought an umbrella to Grizzly Plaza for the Bluetick Houn' Dogs' concert just in case it rained. And of course it did. David F. Rooney photo