The local Free Trade Committee is asking City Hall to declare a Free Trade city, a declaration that may — or may not — be accepted at this coming Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
“By becoming a Fair Trade town, Revelstoke willl commit to supporting the principles of Fair Trade, which aim to improve the livelihoods of millions of farmers and workers in the global South,” Committee member Mary Clayton said in a statement. “The list of goals we have to achieve is well within reach and we feel confident that, once Council is on board, Revelstoke will be recognized as a Fair Trade town by the fall.”
She said that recognitition would be conferred by TransFair Canada, which is the non-profit organization that promotes Fair Trade in this country. Information on the Fair Trade Towns Campaign can be found here: http://transfair.ca/en/fairtradetown.
You will see that Golden and Nakusp are the two other BC communities already recognized as Fair Trade Towns.