Welcome to the first issue of the Revelstoke Current, the daily online news site that offers fresh news to the people of Revelstoke, B.C.
For years I longed to run my own newspaper. Over the past several months, I was encouraged by many people to start a newspaper that would satisfy the deep-seated hunger in our community for quality stories and photos about local people, local groups and local events.
Because the cost of starting a physical, printed newspaper is prohibitive I opted to create a virtual one. Given the near-universal access Revelstokians have to computers and the World Wide Web, that seemed to me to be a realistic option. There is also a weekly synopsis printed and distributed every Monday. It is available at cafés and gathering places throughout town. Both products are free.
Revelstoke is a vibrant city, home to active and interesting people. The Current will bring their stories to life. The Current will also be a forum where you can voice your opinions about the issues that matter to you. Your comments about life in our city, the issues that concern you and the stories and photos you read at The Current’s website are welcome. But please be aware that all comments will be moderated and anonymous comments will NOT be published. You can send letters to the editor by e-mail or by Canada Post. The Revelstoke Current is also pleased to offer Revelstokians a venue for publishing their extended thoughts and analyses on issues that are important to our community. All columns will be reviewed and edited by me prior to publication.
Interesting and timely photos from members of the community are welcome and I plan to include a Beefs & Bouquets-style feature on the website. As well, there will be regular videos of community events, starting with the summer concerts at Grizzly Plaza.
The Current will be accessible to all Revelstokians. If you wish to meet with me I will be happy to set up an appointment. Thank you very much for your support.
I give you the Revelstoke Current.
David F. Rooney is the publisher and editor of The Revelstoke Current